Support Us

Want to support Georgia’s public school teachers?

Here are ways you can get involved:

Fund Teacher Grants for Innovation

With a contribution to Georgia’s PEACH Education Tax Credit, you can give teachers the financial resources they need to bring their innovative ideas to life in their classrooms at no additional cost to you or your corporation. By giving through the PEACH Education Tax Credit, you will receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on your state income taxes and know your tax dollars are going to support something you value – helping Georgia’s teachers make a meaningful impact on the lives of their students.

By clicking the button below you will be directed to the Georgia Foundation for Public Education’s website where you can complete the tax credit application. Be sure to select the Georgia Teachers Initiative as your designation.

Invest in Resources for Teachers

Your gift to the Georgia Teachers Initiative allows us to provide resources, recognition, and professional development opportunities for Georgia’s public school teachers as they work tirelessly to educate our future generations.

If you have ideas for other ways to support Georgia’s teachers, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact

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